Thursday, October 14, 2010

Apple TV has solved this shortcoming

Apple TV has solved this shortcoming, but Apple's iTunes can increase this improvement, Apple can easily do this, why not? 9, better, cheaper .iTunes store chain in the sound and go in person than online purchase from the iTunes store to hear the music, naturally more convenient. but this does not mean that we have to put iTunes higher prices and poor download speeds. .iTunes if Apple can play more than 1GB in size of the film, it is no reason not to iTunes store offers true CD-quality music download sales, even Christian Louboutin if it is the Apple Lossless format also acceptable.Another problem is price, and you certainly hope that the iTunes store resources to be cheaper, more reasonable number. .10, iTunes Professional .Apple has provided many of its applications Personal Edition and Professional Edition, then why not consider us to provide professional music and film version of iTunes fans do? .fees is not a problem, as long as reasonable and do provide what we call the power of the above, I think we would be willing pulled their silver. ..God_Is_A_Girl [God is a girl] ..You_Were_My_Everything [classic rap songs] ._EverythingAviationYouWereMyEverything.mp3 .Craigie_Hill [legend moved the whole of Ireland] .n.mp3 .A_PERFECT_INDIAN through the bone touch you [sad song] .

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