Sunday, September 26, 2010

Have a rather deep memory is in the summer

have a rather deep memory is in the summer, heavy rains are it came to be with me. because I herve leger think that soon lost, so tread water is relied rain. haha so lousy also faster ~ PS: `` When the shoes that impressed these shoes really wild for. to now, although do not want to wash it .. but still reluctant to send home the . may someday feel good, it will wash the courage, when the ah Moving with a sigh of communist : yanghengjun last week, from the Library to borrow a few books about Gorbachev's book, off to do dozens of pages of notes, involves I think on some issues, but also some of the problems left behind after thinking, extract a few. Gorbachev March 11, 1985 was elected general secretary of the CPSU, the leaders of some Western countries have such prior agreement with the herve leger dress media question: good moral character, ideas are very open to Gorbachev, the Soviet Union on how to cope with such a bad system?their questions a little bit naive, but not unfounded. Mikhail Gorbachev was only 54 years, there is no foundation in the party, not evil deeds, but rather performance, to the Western world the impression that open-minded. with his predecessor, Bo in Japan Lev, and Mitchell with subjects such as, Gorbachev indeed look a little decrepit system of corruption out of tune. Western observation or set, but still makes mistakes. Around December 25, 1991 Gorbachev resigned as Soviet president his duties in office 6 years 9 months herve leger bandage dress another 14 days. in the last seven years, Gorbachev did not adapt to the system, he let the system adapt to their own.

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